
Pedagogy of Success

Saint Dominick Daycare is not only a safe place where children can spend enjoyable moments while their parents are at work. Our daycare is primarily a stimulating environment that encourages children to develop their imagination.

  • We have created safe, interesting, and rich surroundings, in which your child will feel welcomed, accepted, happy, and loved. The feeling of safety is the first step on the road to success.
  • Our program accommodates to the developmental needs and abilities of your child. There are numerous ways to reach success.
  • We learn through play, and the wide variety of activities motivates each child to develop his or her talents, to experiment, to manipulate, and to create. It is the process that counts, not the end result.
  • Through the creative process, a child becomes aware of his or her skills and acquires self-esteem.
  • During educational activities we do not readily give children the answer. Our goal is to teach critical thinking, and thus we look for the correct response together.
  • Play and learning interact in a friendly and encouraging atmosphere, where there is no wrong answer and everyone has a chance to try again. We learn through our mistakes.
  • In our daycare, even the youngest preschooler has the right to independence. His success- “mommy, look what I can do!”
  • We work toward success with the help of others. By being in a group, your child learns to be aware of the needs of others and to understand their temper, emotions, and moods. Activities with peers help your child develop skills that include cooperation, sharing, taking turns, and helping others. Thus your child practices and develops self awareness in a social context.
  • By making choices, creating plans, and organizing games with others, we learn to how to head a group. Being a leader begins in preschool. This is the commencement of your child’s success in adult life.
  • Gently and respectfully, but with consistency, we bring up your child to be self-disciplined. We gain success by working on ourselves.
  • By having your children work in a peer group, we prepare them for the challenges of tomorrow. The success of your child is our success.

Collaboration with parents

Direct partnership with parents begins from the very first meeting at the daycare and continues throughout the year. Any kind of parental input into the didactic-educative process, as well as comments, suggestions, ideas, and opinions are always greatly appreciated.